This patch upgrades Heretic v1.2 to Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders. Please note that you MUST start with a unmodified version of Heretic v1.2 in order for this patch to work properly. If you have used any shareware add-ons that modify the heretic.exe or heretic.wad file, this patch WILL NOT WORK. If you have a modified version of either of the above files, you will need to re-install the game. If you notice any problems after upgrading to Heretic: SOTSR, for example the sound does not work, run SETUP.EXE and re-configure your settings. If you're still having problems, attach the patch.out file to a e-mail message and send it to --------------------------------------------------- What's new in Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders --------------------------------------------------- Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders includes two all new episodes of Heretic: The Ossuary and The Stagnant Demense.